Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Map My World

There hangs a king-size map of the world in our kitchen.
How it ended up there is a short story, but how it continues to affect our lives and conversations, is an on-going and interesting process .
The wall it now so efficiently masks bore pock marks and rendered sitting and enjoying a meal at the table, an unaesthetic experience. A thoughtful donation by an Ukranian ex-neighbor, and that is how the map found its way across the table, delicately flavoring our daily meals (the detailings in Ukranian notwithstanding!)
Anyway, we are still able to decode it.
The kitchen, is a haven for small talk, extended talks, gossip, invited friends. Inevitably we wind up looking at the Map, and either conversations flow from it, or start at a different note and end up there. It's always handy to have a visual picture of where we stand and where the nations whose politics we indulge in or people we discuss, stand. Travel dreams often stem from it and my geography has vastly improved in the process.
I see what a great asset it can be and when I imagine having a house of my own, sometime in the future a Map automatically features in it.

At the moment, we use my rolling pin to point out some of the inaccessible places on the map, getting a long stick/laser pointer would certainly make things easier !


Vik said...

A pic of the same map would make the post even more interesting :) In case there are a few pencil/pin marks on it, they would go really well with the post. [No, I'm not implying the poke marks on the wall are any of your doing.:D]

Dheedo said...

totally agree... that map has inspired so many of my yet-to-happen travel plans ;) ... and no dearth of short talk or long gossip :)

Geetanjali said...

That was the initial idea, unfortunately am sans-camera since this January :(

@Atul oops Dheedo
that's an intriguing name :)
Indeed! you have been a part of missing my roomie :((
Ulan Bator is on my list.

thequark said...

seems you people have a map OF conversation and a MAP of conversation too

Geetanjali said...

Maane? sorry my mind is full of work, maybe that is why I am not able to follow..shed some light bitte :-)

Divesh said...

template shemplate badal rahe ho par blogging band ekdum :D